Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Collection 2000 Glam Metallic Liquid Eyeliners

Pic from The reason I have not used my own image is because I tested this in the shop and disliked it! So I still wanted to provide a review for it, but no way I would have bought it. I heard a rave on youtube about these and so thought I would try them out. I tried this in Grunge which is the green one (pleasant name, huh?) The applicator was so long that it was so difficult toapply precisely, even on just my hand! The brush did not give a thin precise line, it kind of blobbed out and there was a clean line in the middle of the product, instead of applying the product in that straight line it applied around where the liner should have gone. Then I couldn't get the liner off my hand, it stayed on all day even after I had washed my hands loads and I had scratch it off with make up remover! I like staying power, but I don't want it welded to my skin so I have to scratch it off! It was only £2.99 but this product pretty much failed on every level for me.

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