Sunday 8 August 2010

Review : MAC Alice+Olivia Morning.After Nail Lacquer

Morning.After (Full stop intentional)

MAC Alice+Olivia "Morning.After" Nail Lacquer

The colour is very similar to Blue India from the Liberty of London Collection, however it is more blue then grayish teal. The similarity makes me question whether you would need both. This varnish is a cream finish. Although this is thick for a cream and not nearly as streaky as ones like Seasonal Peach, the thickness meant it went all over my fingers (and then dyed the surrounding skin!), it took ages to dry, and even hours/days after it had dried it still got dents/chips/scuffs too easily as the varnish is so soft on the nail. I assumed this would be more blue teal then deep blue and I never thought it would be this similar to Blue India. I would suggest that since the finish of Blue India is better then Morning.After (I didn't have the same denting/chipping issue) and since the colour of Blue India is somewhat similar but more unique, don't bother with this if you already own Blue India. Morning afters often involve regret, and I think a lot of the buyers will feel this after buying it, so quite an apt name. If the colour was a little more unique (this could be so easily duped) and the texture was better then it would have been much more popular.

MAC Dare To Wear Morning.After

And for comparison, Blue India;

mac liberty of london blue india

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